Objective Data Partners


We incorporate data analytics and artificial intelligence to clients across industries seeking to improve and expand their operations.

Our services include:

+ Acquisition Analytics and Support

When purchasing a firm, there may be underlying value and/or improvement opportunities lingering in the details of the target. We provide timely investigations, including

  • Crafting a data strategy for the target and for leveraging the data assets within the acquiring entity's portfolio,
  • Evaluating and mapping operations for identifying efficiency improvements and optimization opportunities,
  • Generating business intelligence reports with summaries of key performance indicators to drive decision-making, and
  • Producing a comprehensize data asset assessment and valuation.

+ Investigating and Resolving Algorithmic Bias

You may be treating protected groups unfairly without even realizing it. We locate what’s hidden in the algorithms and, where possible, help you fix them. This may, for example, mean defining a more inclusive “training set” for your algorithms.

+ Artificial Intelligence

This algorithmic method finds connections between input and output to provide predictive and/or identification powers. We use a company’s historic past, perhaps coupled with other company’s performance and/or environmental factors to provide guidance into the future.

+ Building Recommendation Engines

We build recommendation engines that advise salespeople, customers, and decision-makers on how to make create strategies that maximize return while also understanding when and how to implement the process of experimentation to uncover promising alternative solutions.

+ Interactive Business Intelligence Reporting

Our business intelligence reports provide tools that allow business leaders to address critical business concerns as well as ask what-if questions of their data.

+ Expert Witness

When there is a legal dispute, we provide valuable data analysis that can shed light on finding a resolution. We have provided input on assessing workforce productivity in multiple cases.

+ IOT (Internet of Things) Sensor Integration for Operations

This provides visibility into what is taking place in the field through the transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. We have used low cost sensors within remote, unmanned structures coupled with machine learning techniques to predict HVAC failure and maintenance needs.

+ Dispatching Algorithms

Our algorithms schedule technicians (or taxis, or health care workers), in response to anticipate and scheduled demand, in a strategic, timely fashion, and one that is coordinated system wide. This allows for tighter service visit quotes to customers and a highly productive fleet and workforce. Additionally, our algorithms shift schedules in real-time in response to emerging last-minute priorities.

+ Market Segmentation Algorithms

Grouping individuals by tastes, income, and other demographics allows firms to effectively target consumers, matching products with people most likely to want them. Segmentation also provides a means of comparison for retail outlets and employee in a highly heterogenous marketplace. We have employed machine-learning based segmentation algorithms to create retail store peer groups within a nationwide corporation for sharing best practice across stores and implementing a more impactful incentive framework.

+ Optimization

At its essence, Optimization involves identifying the most beneficial deployment of resources. We employ conventional Operations Research techniques as well as data science approaches to optimization. Regardless of the technique, a critical component to Optimization is model formulation. Before seeking a solution, we guide clients in selecting meaningful objectives and identifying relevant constraints.

+ Simulation (What-If Scenarios)

Recreate the past. Reimagine the future. Explore possible scenarios. Assess risk. Simulation is a fast method for exploring how things transpired or the many ways they could transpire. We have used simulation to understand the ramifications of new modes of operation and to generate empirical distributions for operational outcomes.

+ Statistical Analysis

Our experts have employed hypothesis testing, data imputation, experimental design, geospatial statistics, sports analytics, fraud detection, and regression analysis across many engagements.

+ Operations Management

We have been embedded in hospitals, manufacturing plants, call centers, and retail outlets, with the goal of understanding product flow, customer experience, and service delivery. We specialize in knowing how things work, communicating our findings, and suggesting improvements.

+ Data Strategy

We advise on what data should be collected, how to collect it, where to store it, how it can be leveraged, and the benefits of all of this. This is always done in alignment with your company’s business aspirations.